Know How to Grow
“From No to Know” is The Arab Academy for Management, Banking, and Financial Sciences’s (AAMBFS) first knowledge-sharing platform that brings innovators, industry leaders, government officials, and experts together from different domains to share their significant experiences and provide valuable insights. Our 60-minute weekly talks will host experts who will cover a wide variety of contemporary topics related to the Global Economy, Finance, Technology & Digital Disruption, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), Data for Good, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and much more.
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Gain deep insights and expand your knowledge in Business, Technology, Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Development.
Exclusive Access, Interact and get exclusive access to Qs&As with local and international experts and acclaimed industry leaders.
Share your experience and work with the experts and a like-minded crowd of young professionals and enablers.
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Join AAMBFS’ growing community of young youth and get informed on all of our events and programs.